Saturday, July 30, 2011

marble cake


1) 1/2 cup vegetable oil
2) 1 cup self-rising flour
3) 1/2 cup sugar
4) 1/2 t-spoon salt
5) pinch of baking soda
6) 1/4 cup melted chocolate
7) 3 eggs
8) 1/2 t-spoon vanilla essence

1) Mix all the above ingredients except chocolate in one bowl and mix thoroughly
to make a thick paste.
2) divide the mix into two parts.
3) add melted chocolate to one part and mix it thoroughly.
4) take a cake pan and grease it properly with oil and then cover it with flour dust.
5) add few spoons of white cake mixture and then add few spoons of chocolate cake mix
next to it.
6) repeat the above process until you put all the white and chocolate mixture in the cake pan.
7) set the oven to 350 degree C.
8) Keep the cake pan in the oven and let it bake for 30 mins
9) The cake is ready to eat.

1) Your white and chocolate mix should be thick otherwise it will flow into each other and the cake would not come out good.
2) You can prepare the melted chocolate by adding few chocolates to boiling water. Stir it for few minutes.
3) After 30 minutes of baking, insert a toothpick in the cake and take it out. If it comes clean, your cake is ready. If the cake mix sticks to the toothpick, let the cake bake for few more minutes.

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