Saturday, July 30, 2011


Sevaiyaan is a very tasty indian milk pudding.


1) 1/2 cup dry sevaiyaan ( fine indian noodles)
2) 1/4 cup ghee or unsalted butter
3) 1 cup sugar
4) 1 cup milk
5) 1/4 cup condensed milk
6) 1/2 cup of almonds, cashews, raisins and unsalted pistachios
7) 2 spoons grated coconut
8) 5-6 cardamoms
9) saffron to garnish


1) Heat ghee in a pan and add sevaiyaan to it. Keep stirring.
2) Once the sevaiyaans are golden brown in color, add milk and cardamoms to it. Let it cook for
15 minutes. Keep on stirring.
3) While the sevaiyaans are cooking in the milk, heat another pan and dry roast almonds, and cashews for 10 minutes.
4) add sugar, almonds, cashews, raisins and pistachios to the sevaiyaan mix.
5) Keep stirring for 10 more minutes.
6) Add coconut and saffron to it.
7) serve it cool.


1) When you roast the sevaiyaans, keep stirring them as they may burn very quickly.
2) When you cook the sevaiyaans in milk, keep stirring in every 3-4 minutes as the milk may burn at the bottom. This will give a burnt aroma to the pudding.
3) add coconut at the very end else it may loose some coconut oil which may give bad flavor to the pudding.

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