Sunday, August 28, 2011

Masala Puri

Ingredients :

1) 6 tea spoons besan (chickpea flour)
2) 1/2 spoon ginger
3) oil
4) 1/2 spoon cumin seeds
5) 1/2 spoon mustard seeds
6) 1/2 spoon coriander powder
7) 1 cup wheat flour
8) salt to taste
9) dry mango powder
10) coriander
11) 1/2 spoon turmeric powder


1) Mix flour, salt and water together to make soft dough (if the dough is hard add a little more water).
2) Knead the dough for a few minutes on a lightly greased surface to make smooth and pliable dough.
3 )Set the dough aside and cover it with a damp cloth. Let the dough rest for at least ten minutes.

1) heat a pan and dry roast besan for 15 minutes on low heat.
2) heat two spoons of oil in a different pan.
3) add cumin,mustard seeds, coriander powder, turmeric and ginger.
4) add roasted besan to it.
5) Add dry mango powder, salt, coriander to it.
6) sprinkle some water to it so that it become a soft moist powder
7) heat the oil in other pan to fry the puris.

Making Puris:
1) Roll the dough into 3 inch diameter circles. Place the besan mix in the center. 2) Seal by pulling the edges of the rolled dough together to
make a ball. Proceed to make all balls from the wheat dough.
3) Let them settle for 3 to 4 minutes before rolling them.
4) Heat the pan on medium high. Note: An iron skillet works best.
5) To make it easier to roll the balls, first roll them in dry whole-wheat flour.
6) Carefully fry all the puris in the oil.


1) While making your besan mix, sprinkle the water very carefully. We want to make a moist dry powder of besan and not a besan paste.
2) Roast the besan very carefully as it may burn quickly. Always roast it on the low heat.

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