Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sweet Rice ( Meethe Chawal)


1) 1 cup rice
2) 1/2 cup sugar
3) almonds, cashew and raisins
4) 3-4 cardamoms
5) half table spoon saffron
6) 2 cups Water to boil the rice
7) 4 table spoons of ghee (purified butter) to fry


1) heat the ghee in a pan and add cardamoms, almonds and cashews and fry for 2-3 minutes.
2) Add rice to it and fry for 5 minutes
3) Add water and sugar to it and let it boil for 20 minutes.
4) Keep on stirring in every 5 minutes.
5) Once the rice it ready, take 5-6 spoons of water and soak saffron in it.
6) Once the water gets the orange color of saffron, take 4-5 spoons of rice and add to the saffron water and let it sit for 10 minutes.
7) After 10 minutes, the rice will get the orange color.
8) Add this orange rice on your white rice and it will give the nice white-orange color.
9) The sweet rice is ready to be served.

Masala Puri

Ingredients :

1) 6 tea spoons besan (chickpea flour)
2) 1/2 spoon ginger
3) oil
4) 1/2 spoon cumin seeds
5) 1/2 spoon mustard seeds
6) 1/2 spoon coriander powder
7) 1 cup wheat flour
8) salt to taste
9) dry mango powder
10) coriander
11) 1/2 spoon turmeric powder


1) Mix flour, salt and water together to make soft dough (if the dough is hard add a little more water).
2) Knead the dough for a few minutes on a lightly greased surface to make smooth and pliable dough.
3 )Set the dough aside and cover it with a damp cloth. Let the dough rest for at least ten minutes.

1) heat a pan and dry roast besan for 15 minutes on low heat.
2) heat two spoons of oil in a different pan.
3) add cumin,mustard seeds, coriander powder, turmeric and ginger.
4) add roasted besan to it.
5) Add dry mango powder, salt, coriander to it.
6) sprinkle some water to it so that it become a soft moist powder
7) heat the oil in other pan to fry the puris.

Making Puris:
1) Roll the dough into 3 inch diameter circles. Place the besan mix in the center. 2) Seal by pulling the edges of the rolled dough together to
make a ball. Proceed to make all balls from the wheat dough.
3) Let them settle for 3 to 4 minutes before rolling them.
4) Heat the pan on medium high. Note: An iron skillet works best.
5) To make it easier to roll the balls, first roll them in dry whole-wheat flour.
6) Carefully fry all the puris in the oil.


1) While making your besan mix, sprinkle the water very carefully. We want to make a moist dry powder of besan and not a besan paste.
2) Roast the besan very carefully as it may burn quickly. Always roast it on the low heat.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Sevaiyaan is a very tasty indian milk pudding.


1) 1/2 cup dry sevaiyaan ( fine indian noodles)
2) 1/4 cup ghee or unsalted butter
3) 1 cup sugar
4) 1 cup milk
5) 1/4 cup condensed milk
6) 1/2 cup of almonds, cashews, raisins and unsalted pistachios
7) 2 spoons grated coconut
8) 5-6 cardamoms
9) saffron to garnish


1) Heat ghee in a pan and add sevaiyaan to it. Keep stirring.
2) Once the sevaiyaans are golden brown in color, add milk and cardamoms to it. Let it cook for
15 minutes. Keep on stirring.
3) While the sevaiyaans are cooking in the milk, heat another pan and dry roast almonds, and cashews for 10 minutes.
4) add sugar, almonds, cashews, raisins and pistachios to the sevaiyaan mix.
5) Keep stirring for 10 more minutes.
6) Add coconut and saffron to it.
7) serve it cool.


1) When you roast the sevaiyaans, keep stirring them as they may burn very quickly.
2) When you cook the sevaiyaans in milk, keep stirring in every 3-4 minutes as the milk may burn at the bottom. This will give a burnt aroma to the pudding.
3) add coconut at the very end else it may loose some coconut oil which may give bad flavor to the pudding.

Masala Chach

Masala Chach (spicy butter milk) is a very healthy summer drink.


1) 1 and a half cups of butter milk
2) 1 cup water a
3) few curry leaves
3) 1 t-spoon mustard seeds
4) 1 t-spoon cumin powder
5) few mint leaves
6) 1/2 spoon red chili powder
7) 1/2 spoon salt
8) 1/2 spoon cooking oil
9) 1/2 spoon sugar
10) cilantro to garnish


1) Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds, curry leaves and red chili powder to it.
2) add buttermilk and water to it and stir.
3) add salt, sugar and cumin powder to it.
4) chop mint leaves and cilantro and add to the butter milk.
5) take out the butter milk in a different pan and let it cool.
6) The masala buttermilk is ready to serve.

marble cake


1) 1/2 cup vegetable oil
2) 1 cup self-rising flour
3) 1/2 cup sugar
4) 1/2 t-spoon salt
5) pinch of baking soda
6) 1/4 cup melted chocolate
7) 3 eggs
8) 1/2 t-spoon vanilla essence

1) Mix all the above ingredients except chocolate in one bowl and mix thoroughly
to make a thick paste.
2) divide the mix into two parts.
3) add melted chocolate to one part and mix it thoroughly.
4) take a cake pan and grease it properly with oil and then cover it with flour dust.
5) add few spoons of white cake mixture and then add few spoons of chocolate cake mix
next to it.
6) repeat the above process until you put all the white and chocolate mixture in the cake pan.
7) set the oven to 350 degree C.
8) Keep the cake pan in the oven and let it bake for 30 mins
9) The cake is ready to eat.

1) Your white and chocolate mix should be thick otherwise it will flow into each other and the cake would not come out good.
2) You can prepare the melted chocolate by adding few chocolates to boiling water. Stir it for few minutes.
3) After 30 minutes of baking, insert a toothpick in the cake and take it out. If it comes clean, your cake is ready. If the cake mix sticks to the toothpick, let the cake bake for few more minutes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dal Makhni


1 medium size onion
2 medium size tomatos
1 spoon giner-galric paste
1 cup black urad dal
1/4 cup kidney beans (soak it for 2 hours)
1/2 spoon tumeric powder
1/4 spoon cinnamon powder
2 big black cardamom
1/2 spoon corrainder powder
1/2 spoon red chili powder
1/2 spoon garam masala
4 spoon oil
1/2 spoon cumin seeds
1/2 spoon mustard seeds
2 spoons cream


Boil the urad dal and kidney beans
make a paste of onions, tomatos and ginger-garlic paste, cardamom and cinnamon powder
heat oil and add cumin,mustards and above paste
cook it for 15 minutes (keep on stiring)
add all the other spices to it and cook for another 10 minutes (keep on stiring)
add the boiled dal to the above mix and cook for another 10 minutes
add cream to it.
garnish it with cilantro and it is ready to server

If your onion-tomato paste is not enough, the dal will become bitter
You can add some lime juice to the cooked dal if the cooked dal is still bitter

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saboodana Kheer


This is my first post to my Blog so I am going to start with something very simple and tasty. Saboodana kheer is a milk pudding generally eaten in fasts or religious ceremonies.

Here is the list of ingredients. This will make 2 cups of saboodana kheer.


1) 1 cup saboodana
2) 1/2 cup sugar
3) 4-5 cardamom
4) 10-15 raisins
5) 10-15 cashews
6) 5-6 almonds
7) 3 cups of milk


1) Soak the saboodana in one and half cup of water for 2 hours.
2) Put the milk in a pan on medium flame
and let boil for 30 mins. Keep stirring in every 3-4 minutes.
3) Add sugar to milk and continue stirring.
4) Add soaked saboodana to the milk. The saboodana should have become tender after 2 hours of soaking.
5) Add all the dry fruits to the kheer and keep stirring for another 10 minutes.
6) The kheer can be served hot or cold.

The Saboodana kheer is ready to eat.


1) The pan you use to boil milk should be thick as a pan with light base may burn the milk.
2) Before boiling milk, make sure your saboodana is soft and tender. If the saboodana is not soft and your milk is boiled, you will have to wait till your saboodana is ready to be added to the milk.
3) Your kheer will not come out good if you add saboodana when they are not soft.